Yeah dealing with stuff like this where it's all dynamically driven,
events based, and there are many many nested objects on the screen is
a challenge.   Especially since it looks like the events and other
things are defined in entirely different areas of the code..

For example at the URL given above, this is what you have to do, to
get the 'long text' tab to react to mouseover.., 'ext-comp-1001__ext-comp-1003').fire_event

And lo, when you do that, a bunch of html instantly changes, the page
is now different slightly, some clases have changed and as a result
styles change, etc.

but here's the rub..  try to figure out where that action is defined
that caused it to respond to that event?  (we KNOW it's defined
somewhere, we just saw it work if you tried that code, the color
slightly changed, and if you were watching with ie-dev-toolbar you
could see the class of that thing changed (which changed the color due
to inheriting fromn CSS)

You can brute force this stuff to some degree, but the problem is,
unless you have some clue as to what elements are responding to what
events, you have a ton of stuff to try before you get lucky and find
out what's going on.

If it was me that had to do this, I'd post a message in one of their
forums <> and see if anyone as succesfully
automated tests against their tabs, and ask how it was done.   Maybe
get some clues as to what needs to happen.  since I've tried a LOT of
stuff just now to automate a simple tab selection on their site and
failed utterly.  conversely the app I test has (non extjs) tabs in it
like that, and I don't have any problem automating it by simply firing
'click' events on the links in the tabs.

On Apr 28, 10:11 am, «°¤§ømåtïçCðrp§ë¤°» <>
> I'm a no0b, when it comes to things like this, but if the tabs exist
> in frames, then you can use the id to drill down to the section you
> want.
> i.e.: browser.frame(:id, "tabs").button(:id, "tab1").click
> Using this method, you don't need to explicity call out the "onClick"
> or "onFire" methods.
> Given that I can't, currently, view the entire source of the page, I
> would suggest using something like:
> browser.button(:id, "ext-comp-1002__ext-comp-1006").click
> Granted, I know they aren't buttons; I'm just using sample code to
> illustrate how you could fire off an event, without explicitly using
> an assertion to call on the event.
> On Apr 28, 5:06 am, Vishal <> wrote:
> > I checked few other discussions on similar issues. But in none of them
> > there is a solution available.
> > Is this Issue can't be fixed?
> > On Apr 27, 12:29 pm, Shweta <> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I tried like this,But it does not clicks on tab,I need to click here
> > > on Selection tab,Can anyone suggest me the solution for this.
> > > ie.cell(:class,"tab).image(:src,"../images/tabBetween.jpg").click
> > > HTML Code:
> > > <TR>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > >');"
> > > CLASS=tabSelected>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> > > Info&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
> > > <TD><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > >');"
> > > CLASS=tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Selection&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</
> > > TD>
> > > <TD><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > >');"
> > > CLASS=tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quote
> > > Coverage&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
> > > <TD><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > <TD NOWRAP STYLE="cursor:hand;" ONCLICK="goToUrl('/
> > >');"
> > > CLASS=tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Producer&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</
> > > TD>
> > > <TD width = 99%><IMG SRC="../images/tabBetween.jpg" BORDER=0></TD>
> > > </TR>
> > > <TR>
> > > On Apr 27, 12:09 pm, Vishal <> wrote:
> > > > I asked the developers, we checked the in 
> > > > website
> > > > documents onTabpanel.
> > > > We think following event is fired
> > > > i)activate : ( Ext.Panel p )
> > > > Fires after the Panel has been visually activated. Note that Panels do
> > > > not directly support being activated, but some...
> > > > Fires after the Panel has been visually activated. Note that Panels do
> > > > not directly support being activated, but some Panel subclasses do
> > > > (like Ext.Window). Panels which are child Components of a TabPanel
> > > > fire the activate and deactivate events under the control of the
> > > > TabPanel.
> > > > Listeners will be called with the following arguments:
> > > >     * p : Ext.Panel
> > > >       The Panel that has been activated.
> > > > ii)beforetabchange : ( TabPanel this, Panel newTab, Panel currentTab )
> > > > Fires before the activetabchanges. Handlers can return false to
> > > > cancel thetabchange.
> > > > Fires before the activetabchanges. Handlers can return false to
> > > > cancel thetabchange.
> > > > Listeners will be called with the following arguments:
> > > >     * this : TabPanel
> > > >     * newTab : Panel
> > > >       Thetabbeing activated
> > > >     * currentTab : Panel
> > > >       The current activetab
> > > > When we implement this in our code
> > > > $ie.span(:text ,"Documents").span(:index,1).fire_event("activate")
> > > > I get an exception
> > > > D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/element.rb:257:in
> > > > `method_m
> > > > issing': fireEvent (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
> > > >     OLE error code:80070057 in htmlfile
> > > >       Invalid argument.
> > > > I guess there is no such Event, thats why I am getting this message.
> > > > Let me know if we test do this in a different way.
> > > > On Apr 24, 5:55 pm, Željko Filipin <>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 14:53, Vishal <> wrote:
> > > > > > Do you have any other suggestions?
> > > > > Ask your developer(s) are they sure that onclick is fired. If the 
> > > > > answer is
> > > > > yes, show them how your code can opentabwhen firing that event.
> > > > > Željko- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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