   Did you try issuing "onblur" or "onchange"

   ie.select_list(:name,"ABC").fire_event("onblur")   # if this
does'nt work then try



On Jul 7, 11:10 pm, Ravinder Singroha <ravindersingr...@gmail.com>
> Hi
> I have a scenario in which, if i chose a value in a select list, the
> same value is filled in a text box given by calling an onchange event.
> code looks like:<select name="ABC" onChange="onChangeTerm
> ('ABC','XYZ')" onfocus="enterField(this)" size="1" stype="Selection">
> <input decimals="0" elength="3" name="XYZ" onblur="validateField
> (this)" onfocus="enterField(this)" onkeypress="NumberKeyCheck()"
> stype="Number" type="text" value="0" />
> The problem with this is when i do it manually, whatever value i chose
> in select list, it gets filled in the text box but when i do using the
> function:
> ie.select_list(:name,"ABC").select(value)
> it selects a value but doesn' fills the text box.
> I tried the fire events also but no help.
> Can anyone in the group please help me with this issue.
> I am using  -> [watir -1.6.2]
> i have a chat with  developers and he told to fire onfocus then
> onchange event, after selecting the value.
> i tried that and other combination too but no success so far.
> is there anything else i am missing on in here.
> i have tried it with QTP  and open source Selenium its working there,
> but its not working with Watir, is this  a know issue with watir ?
> Thanks
> Ravinder Singroha
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