Hi All,


I am not too sure whether I should post it here or in a Ruby forum.


But there is a problem that I am facing while scripting a data driven Watir


1)       I have a class (say the base class) wherein I am fetching data from
excel and storing them in a variable.

2)       Now there's a generic method in the application which is stored in
another Ruby file (not in a  class, not in a module)

3)       I need to call this generic method with the object of the base
class (since the object has the data allotted to the variables)

4)       But when I do this it says   "undefined method `methodName' for


So can somebody help me with this? What can I do so that I can access the
methods and at the same time the data is set to variables for every row of
excel sheet.


Thanks in advance.

Rohan Ojha
 Blue Star Infotech l*+91 900 4955058l * +91 22 6688 6969 l 6 +91 22 6688
6999 l *  <mailto:rohan.o...@bsil.com> rohan.o...@bsil.com
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