Thanks for your help John - I really appreciate it. As you rightly
pointed out, it still didn't work, but I didn't want to annoy you all
again with another post. I will try this tonight when I get home.



On Aug 26, 11:38 pm, John Kolokotronis <> wrote:
> The first error is the missing double quotes, like Željko pointed out.
> Your script will still not run though as there are a couple of other
> errors. You set up the browser like this:
> $ff =
> instead of:
> (if you use a capital letter, you set up the browser
> instance a constant, most people use a global variable instead.)
> You also tend to set up things as constants (e.g. Test_site on line 2)
> and then call it as a local variable (test_site on line 4) - remember,
> the variables are case sensitive...
> You also need to call the various methods like "button", "text_field",
> etc on the browser object, $ff in this case. So the script would
> become something like this:
> require 'firewatir'
> test_site = "";
> $ff =
> $ff.goto test_site
> $ff.text_field(:name, 'q').set 'Watir'
> $ff.button(:name, 'btnG').click
> if $ff.contains_text('Web Application')
>    puts 'Test Passed'
> else
>    puts 'Test Failed'
> end
> I hope this helps.
> Regards,
> John
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