On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Chris <christopher.mcma...@gmail.com>
> 2. is a bad option.  That one nearly killed the Perl community a
> decade ago, and it's still an issue.


I do not want to become one of those cranky unix (and obviously perl) gurus
with long beards that reply only with rtm or similar.

> one option might be to emulate the Perl community of the time and
> start a 'watir-beginners' list

We have such list. This is it. Big majority of the posts here (my rough
estimate is 99%) are from people new to Watir. We have other lists
(wtr-development and wtr-core) that are not for beginners.

> with a commitment from some veterans
> to spend time there

I have committed some time to help people here, but I can not read minds. I
need data to help. The problem is not lack of will to help, the problem is
that there are a lot of really bad questions.

> but emphasize that it is a list for newbies to
> help each other.

How would you do that?


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