My guess is that AutoIt has been updated since it was originally 
packaged with Watir. AutoIt itself is not open-source software, so we 
have to look at licensing issues before updating what we use.


Jarmo Pertman wrote:
> Why on earth has it done like that?!? Any good reasons why not to
> include AutoIT with full functionality? Anyone?
> Seems silly to do that silently and i see it just as a one more source
> of possible nasty problems and debugging.
> Jarmo
> On Oct 29, 11:10 am, Željko Filipin <>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Pallavi Sharma <>
>> wrote:> Watir auto it implementation is not working if i use the REGEXPTITLE 
>> of
>> auto it with it. The same script written directly in AutoIT works although.
>> I have played with autoit a few months ago, also trying to use regular
>> expressions. Watir installs a smaller version of autoit, that has only a
>> subset of full autoit functionality, and egular expression support is not
>> there.
>> Željko
>> --
>> - community manager
>> - host
> >

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