By "having the access right" do you mean access as in "permissions" or
just you're not accessing it correctly?

I have been using enabled_popup and WinClicker to interact with
javascript modal dialogs with decent success.
The button I had to click was labelled "Open" but the button name I
had to pass to WinClicker was "&Open"

I don't know if this is a convention or if it's just in my app.  I
found this out by

ie = attach (...)
# manually click the button to create the modal
hwnd = ie.enabled_popup(3)
w =
=> ["Look &in:", "", "File &name:", "Files of &type:"]
w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd, 'Open')
=> false
w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd, '&Open')
=> true

if you do a
puts w.methods
you'll see the methods like
that you can try using to figure out what the button is actually

hopefully i'm not just telling you stuff you already know/have

On Feb 9, 6:25 am, Rohan Premvallabh Ojha <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the information/URL but I am still unable to move ahead with the 
> modal dialogs.
> What I have tried so far is:
> Method I:
> Used all the methods in the watir.rb file for Class ModalDialog but they 
> don't seem to work with Ruby ver 1.8.6 or 1.8.5 for that matter.
> So I had Ruby 1.8.2 installed in another machine but that doesn't seem to 
> support "click_no_wait".
> mod=
> mod.find_modal_from_window
> Method II :
> Tried using the modal dialog example from the Wiki page
>  modal = ie.modal_dialog(:title,'Modal Dialog - Webpage Dialog')
>  puts modal.title()
>  modal.wait
>  puts modal.button(:index,1)
> Method III :
> Tried finding the connect_unknown method in Win32Ole.
> We encounter NoMethodError for connect_unknown in the locate method for the 
> class ModalDialog. However win32ole doesn't have any method by such name.The 
> method present is connect which takes argument as either OLE program id or 
> class id or moniker.
> Method IV :
> Winclicker
> Tried using the winclicker class of watir to handle the modal dialog.
> q1=w.getWindowHandle(/Webpage Dialog/)
> puts q1                                               (This returns to me the 
> hwnD for the modal dialog box)
> puts w.getWindowTitle(q1)                      (This returns to me the title 
> of the modal dialog window)
> However if we try to use :
> w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(q1,'Run')                 (Run is the caption of 
> the button that I need to click)
> The system returns me FALSE so even though we have control of the modal 
> dialog we still don't have the access right to the window.
> Also it seems to me that as we have moved ahead with newer versions of Ruby 
> and Watir we seemed to have gone backwards with respect to pop-ups (modal or 
> non-modal)
> So can you guys please look into it so that we can get going with not just  
> this but with other such problems in Watir
> ________________________________
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Željko Filipin
> Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 6:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [wtr-general] Help with Modal Dialog boxes !!!!
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Rohan Ojha 
> <<>> wrote:
> > Has anybody come across some method with which we can work on a modal 
> > dialog window.
> Thanks for the screen shot, it always helps.
> Did you read this?
> Željko
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