so if you have ahold of the SelectList object using
$b.select_list(:index, 2), can you make if flash?  if so, can you view
the values using
$b.select_list(:index, 2).options

The Watir API says options is a method but in my installation it
doesn't seem to be implemented.  Here is the code from the API, which
works for me.  I also added option_values which shows the value of
each element in the SelectList if you do
$b.select_list(:index, 2).option_values

Maybe your SelectList has value options instead of text options.  in
that case you'd have to use
$b.select_list(:index, 2).select_value("Test")

module Watir
  class SelectList

    def selected_option
      returnArray = []
      @container.log "There are #...@o.length} items"
      @o.each do |thisItem|
        if thisItem.selected
          @container.log "Item (#{thisItem.text}) is selected"
          returnArray << thisItem.text
      return returnArray

    def options
      @container.log "There are #...@o.length} items"
      returnArray = []
      @o.each { |thisItem| returnArray << thisItem.text }
      return returnArray

    def option_values
      @container.log "There are #...@o.length} items"
      returnArray = []
      @o.each { |thisItem| returnArray << thisItem.value }
      return returnArray

  end #end class SelectList
end #end module Watir

You said it generates a table, you don't mean an actual html Table,
right? Just the list of options in the SelectList?

Something else you could try would be to create an option by saying
o=$b.select_list(:index, 2).option(:text, "Test")

then maybe you could do the
$b.select_list(:index, 2).select("Test")

Don't know if any of this will help, but maybe it'll get you closer...

On Mar 18, 3:51 pm, tester86 <> wrote:
> I have been testing this part of my script in IRB, I also triggered
> two fire_event onmousedown then onmouseup. Also tried onmousedown
> sleep 1 then onmouseup, tried and tested all the possbile combinations
> and methods.
> When onmousedown is triggered in the table it generated the drop down
> list -- but it shows up as blank then if you go and select a value via
> $b.select_list(:index, 2).select("Test")
> $b.select_list(:index, 2).set("Test"
> it cannot find the element.

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