Hello (fire)watirists!

We are happy to announce that a (very) long-waited (Fire)Watir
1.6.6 final gem is out!

You can check out changelog at http://github.com/bret/watir/blob/master/CHANGES

Feel free to give it a test drive. Here are the basic instructions.

Make sure your local gem system is up to date.
gem update --system
run gem -v at the command line, you should be running 1.3.7

gem install watir
Note: If you're installing on Mac or Linux you'll want to use
firewatir for the gem install.

...and give it a go. Try to use it with your existing test suites and
so on to see if there are any issues.
If there are any problems then:
1) Fix it and send a pull request on Github, our main github repo:
 This is the preferred way of accepting patches, we're happy to work
with you on how to do this, github also has extensive docs on how to
fork and submit a pull request.
2) Add it to our JIRA tracker: http://jira.openqa.org/browse/WTR
If you need help with that let us know.

If you do have time and can help, please let us know, we can take any
help from documentation to running tests on various OSes. We're a
friendly project and would be happy to mentor you if you and/or your
company is willing to put in the time.

The Watir Team

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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