Parsing the excel sheet is easy.

The trick is getting the non-Ruby writers to be able to write
automations without having to know the full syntax of the language,
the arguments req'd for each method, and not having to touch the code
underneath in the framework.

What my manual testers see is a spreadsheet with columns
Action | Element | Identifier | Keyword | Note1 | Note2

so they can enter commands like

goto |  |  | | | |
verify | link | text | Health
verify | image | alt | Image Here |
click | link | text | Healthy | NEGATIVETEST

...knowing all the possibilities that automated scriptts can require,
that's a lot of if...else... blocks!! or even case blocks!

However, say for "verify", if i cast the "element" column
so that if i receive link-->Link and cast that to Link Class.
image--> Image and cast that to Image Class.
Of course there is pre-verification it's in the right syntax.

Than I don't have a bunch of if ELement == Link then..
(and then all the possibilities that someone can request for a LInk
check if exists--> id, name, text, etc...)

anyways, i got it to work with FireWatir. I was able to cast a
FireWatir::Element insttance for each Element subclass, and i have to
say, it covers all the row x column --> element X method grid pictured
here -->

...So I was wondering why this isn't possible with SafariWatir....

On Dec 10, 5:38 pm, Charley Baker <> wrote:
> I have no idea without looking at your framework and even the first
> bit seems wonky. I still don't understand why you're casting stuff and
> going down that route. Use Roo maybe? for excel driven tests. I'd
> personally go with a DSL, there are several available, if not then use
> roo or something, don't invent your own.
> Charley Baker
> Lead Developer, Watir,
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:26 PM, dave <> wrote:
> > Trying to implement keyword driven framework... Which works in
> > FIreWatir.
> > Rather than doing some
> > if keywordrecieved == "verify"
> >  if element == "link"
> >,keyword).exists?
> >  if element == "image"
> >   @safari.image(identifier,keyword).exists?
> >  etc
> > I'd then have to repeat that for click and all methods for Element.
> > If I do this
> > isCastedObjectExist =
> > Object.const_get("FireWatir").const_get(sFireWatirClass).new(@ff,identifier,keyword).exists?
> > if FireWatir, it's pretty simple and of course with some pre-
> > validation of identifier and keyword and sFireWatirClass, it's less
> > code. I can also implement this for click and other Element methods.
> > THe alternative solution is a bloat of code.
> > I figured it out in FireWatir. Just having trouble implementing in
> > SafariWatir. If I can just get hte casting part right, all this other
> > stuff is reusable in SafariWatir for the most part. So that;s most of
> > the Element methods, most of the web elements and two browsers in one
> > shot and reusable.
> > I'd love to hear your alternative solution if you have some. I
> > definitely have open ears.
> > On Dec 10, 5:12 pm, Charley Baker <> wrote:
> >> I don't know your background but it sounds like you're a c/c++
> >> programmer. Casting and the other strange stuff you're trying to do,
> >> has nothing to do with the way things are implemented.  It has to do
> >> with your background. Casting a string? Been there, done that, but
> >> it's not Ruby. Chill out a bit and learn Ruby. And by that I don't
> >> mean to be harsh, you're trying to bend the language and not bend
> >> yourself.
> >> Charley Baker
> >> Lead Developer, Watir,
> >> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:23 PM, dave <> wrote:
> >> > I think, in my head, it might have something to do with the fact that,
> >> > while it may use the same methods as Watir and FireWatir, it overrides
> >> > it with calls to appscript... Which could mean trouble for what i'm
> >> > trying to do...
> >> > On Dec 10, 2:36 pm, dave <> wrote:
> >> >> So I've been able to cast a string "Link" to a Firewatir::Link class
> >> >> by the following:
> >> >> CastedObject =
> >> >> Object.const_get("FireWatir").const_get("Link").new(@ff,identifier,keyword)
> >> >> which in place of "Link" allows me, with of course enough validation,
> >> >> accept a dynamic string, ex. Link, Image etc. to allow me to
> >> >> facilitate some Keyword/datadriven testing... :-)
> >> >> My problem is, I am trying to implement this on SafariWatir.
> >> >> CastedObject =
> >> >> Object.const_get("Watir").const_get("Link").new(@safari,identifier,keyword)
> >> >> with @safari being
> >> >>     @safari =;
> >> >> gives me this exception:
> >> >> EXCEPTION:uninitialized constant Watir::Link
> >> >> Is there an hierarchy issue I'm missing?
> >> >> Thanks!!
> >> > --
> >> > Before posting, please read In short: search 
> >> > before you ask, be nice.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> > --
> > Before posting, please read In short: search 
> > before you ask, be nice.
> >
> >
> >

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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