Well, back to the original question, I was obviously able to cast in
FireWatir. Is it possible to do this same action in SafariWatir??

On Dec 10, 5:57 pm, Charley Baker <charley.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why would you not just use Cucumber, FIT, Selenesse? I would if that's
> your goal, don't rewrite it. It's done and done. SLIM offers
> something. Take a look at that.
> Charley Baker
> Lead Developer, Watir,http://watir.com
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:53 PM, dave <davidrey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Parsing the excel sheet is easy.
> > The trick is getting the non-Ruby writers to be able to write
> > automations without having to know the full syntax of the language,
> > the arguments req'd for each method, and not having to touch the code
> > underneath in the framework.
> > What my manual testers see is a spreadsheet with columns
> > Action | Element | Identifier | Keyword | Note1 | Note2
> > so they can enter commands like
> > goto |  |  |www.yahoo.com| | |
> > verify | link | text | Health
> > verify | image | alt | Image Here |
> > click | link | text | Healthy | NEGATIVETEST
> > ...knowing all the possibilities that automated scriptts can require,
> > that's a lot of if...else... blocks!! or even case blocks!
> > However, say for "verify", if i cast the "element" column
> > so that if i receive link-->Link and cast that to Link Class.
> > image--> Image and cast that to Image Class.
> > etc.
> > Of course there is pre-verification it's in the right syntax.
> > Than I don't have a bunch of if ELement == Link then..
> > (and then all the possibilities that someone can request for a LInk
> > check if exists--> id, name, text, etc...)
> > anyways, i got it to work with FireWatir. I was able to cast a
> > FireWatir::Element insttance for each Element subclass, and i have to
> > say, it covers all the row x column --> element X method grid pictured
> > here 
> > -->http://pettichord.com/watirtutorial/docs/watir_cheat_sheet/WTR/Method...
> > ...So I was wondering why this isn't possible with SafariWatir....
> > On Dec 10, 5:38 pm, Charley Baker <charley.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I have no idea without looking at your framework and even the first
> >> bit seems wonky. I still don't understand why you're casting stuff and
> >> going down that route. Use Roo maybe? for excel driven tests. I'd
> >> personally go with a DSL, there are several available, if not then use
> >> roo or something, don't invent your own.
> >> Charley Baker
> >> Lead Developer, Watir,http://watir.com
> >> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:26 PM, dave <davidrey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > Trying to implement keyword driven framework... Which works in
> >> > FIreWatir.
> >> > Rather than doing some
> >> > if keywordrecieved == "verify"
> >> >  if element == "link"
> >> >   @safari.link(identifier,keyword).exists?
> >> >  if element == "image"
> >> >   @safari.image(identifier,keyword).exists?
> >> >  etc
> >> > I'd then have to repeat that for click and all methods for Element.
> >> > If I do this
> >> > isCastedObjectExist =
> >> > Object.const_get("FireWatir").const_get(sFireWatirClass).new(@ff,identifier,keyword).exists?
> >> > if FireWatir, it's pretty simple and of course with some pre-
> >> > validation of identifier and keyword and sFireWatirClass, it's less
> >> > code. I can also implement this for click and other Element methods.
> >> > THe alternative solution is a bloat of code.
> >> > I figured it out in FireWatir. Just having trouble implementing in
> >> > SafariWatir. If I can just get hte casting part right, all this other
> >> > stuff is reusable in SafariWatir for the most part. So that;s most of
> >> > the Element methods, most of the web elements and two browsers in one
> >> > shot and reusable.
> >> > I'd love to hear your alternative solution if you have some. I
> >> > definitely have open ears.
> >> > On Dec 10, 5:12 pm, Charley Baker <charley.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> I don't know your background but it sounds like you're a c/c++
> >> >> programmer. Casting and the other strange stuff you're trying to do,
> >> >> has nothing to do with the way things are implemented.  It has to do
> >> >> with your background. Casting a string? Been there, done that, but
> >> >> it's not Ruby. Chill out a bit and learn Ruby. And by that I don't
> >> >> mean to be harsh, you're trying to bend the language and not bend
> >> >> yourself.
> >> >> Charley Baker
> >> >> Lead Developer, Watir,http://watir.com
> >> >> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:23 PM, dave <davidrey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> > I think, in my head, it might have something to do with the fact that,
> >> >> > while it may use the same methods as Watir and FireWatir, it overrides
> >> >> > it with calls to appscript... Which could mean trouble for what i'm
> >> >> > trying to do...
> >> >> > On Dec 10, 2:36 pm, dave <davidrey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> >> So I've been able to cast a string "Link" to a Firewatir::Link class
> >> >> >> by the following:
> >> >> >> CastedObject =
> >> >> >> Object.const_get("FireWatir").const_get("Link").new(@ff,identifier,keyword)
> >> >> >> which in place of "Link" allows me, with of course enough validation,
> >> >> >> accept a dynamic string, ex. Link, Image etc. to allow me to
> >> >> >> facilitate some Keyword/datadriven testing... :-)
> >> >> >> My problem is, I am trying to implement this on SafariWatir.
> >> >> >> CastedObject =
> >> >> >> Object.const_get("Watir").const_get("Link").new(@safari,identifier,keyword)
> >> >> >> with @safari being
> >> >> >>     @safari = Watir::Safari.new();
> >> >> >> gives me this exception:
> >> >> >> EXCEPTION:uninitialized constant Watir::Link
> >> >> >> Is there an hierarchy issue I'm missing?
> >> >> >> Thanks!!
> >> >> > --
> >> >> > Before posting, please readhttp://watir.com/support. In short: search 
> >> >> > before you ask, be nice.
> >> >> > watir-general@googlegroups.com
> >> >> >http://groups.google.com/group/watir-general
> >> >> > watir-general+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >> > --
> >> > Before posting, please readhttp://watir.com/support. In short: search 
> >> > before you ask, be nice.
> >> > watir-general@googlegroups.com
> >> >http://groups.google.com/group/watir-general
> >> > watir-general+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > --
> > Before posting, please readhttp://watir.com/support. In short: search 
> > before you ask, be nice.
> > watir-general@googlegroups.com
> >http://groups.google.com/group/watir-general
> > watir-general+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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