
Thanks for replies.

The error message that i receive is the following, i apologize fot not 
mention it:

Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotDisplayedError: Element is not 
currently visible and so may not be interacted with

I've tried @browser.file_field(:name => 
"top_image").when_present.set("C:\\image.PNG") with no luck, after the 30 
sec default time just passes to the next step.

I'm using watir webdriver v.0.2.0dev2 with cucumber and rubymine as ide. I 
update to the latest version of webdriver so that i will able to use the 
send_keys method because i need to handle tinyMCE.
Ruby 1.8.7

Here is more detailed view of the source. I'm pretty sure is because of the 
div style. The idea is that i have a lot of upload buttons and i would 
really like to access them without asking the dev to remove the style for 
the specified buttons from dev site.



Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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