Suffice it to say it's now communicated. :) In all seriousness though,
we have removed the activesupport gem as a dependency for Firewatir.
This means that if you are using it's convenience methods for things
like dates as Jarmo mentions below or a boatload of other nice methods
which are listed in the docs:  be aware
that we are no longer installing this as a dependency.

It was a hefty dependency for a few simple methods in Firewatir and
caused problems with versioning, 2.8.x vs 3.0.x, differing Rails
versions that people might have as well as different versions of Ruby.

You're now free to use whatever version of Activesupport you want by a
simple gem install, and if you uninstall Watir but leave whatever
version of AS you have installed, if you are actually using methods
from it, then your tests will continue to work exactly the same.

Despite the fact that AS is extremely large and most people not using
Rails only need a small portion of the methods, I do like it and would
recommend checking it out. It does work better as an application
dependency vs a library dependency. As somewhat of a sidenote and
something that may help you out with gem resolution for your tests, I
will put in a word for Bundler:
There are copious amounts of resources on the web explaining how to
use it and I've found it to be a great library for taking care of your


Charley Baker
Lead Developer, Watir,

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Jarmo Pertman <> wrote:
> I'm not sure how to communicate the removal of active support
> dependency properly because there will be probably failing tests due
> to the usages of active support without users even acknowledging it.
> I'm pretty sure there are tests with something like "2.days.from_now"
> and so on. Any ideas? Or will the CHANGES and this mail be good
> enough?
> Jarmo
> On Feb 26, 2:02 am, Charley Baker <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>   I've pushed a release candidate for the next version of watir and
>> firewatir into the pipeline. Feel free to test it out and submit any
>> challenges you might have. The biggest change for this release is
>> dropping the ActiveSupport library for Firefox. Major kudos to Jarmo
>> for pushing that out.
>> The full Changelog is available 
>> at
>> Make sure your local gem system is up to date.
>> gem update --system
>> Depending on what you're using, either watir or firewatir:
>> gem install (fire)watir --pre
>> Note: If you're installing on Mac or Linux you'll want to use
>> firewatir for the gem install.
>> ...and give it a go. Try to use it with your existing test suites and
>> so on to see if there are any issues.
>> If there are any problems then:
>> 1) Fix it and send a pull request on Github, our main github 
>> repo:
>>  This is the preferred way of accepting patches, we're happy to work
>> with you on how to do this, github also has extensive docs on how to
>> fork and submit a pull request.
>> 2) Add it to our JIRA tracker:
>> If you need help with that let us know.
>> Charley Baker
>> Lead Developer, Watir,
> --
> Before posting, please read In short: search before 
> you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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