I know Watir community does not like "recorders" - I read about it in

This script is not exactly a recorder per say. I would call it a
"Object repository builder" - if that appeals better to the Watir
community. It helps you get around the mundane task of using Firebug
or Developer tool bar to identify each element ids/names. Moreover, it
is written in a very object oriented way.

I have uploaded it at http://pastie.org/1837926. Thanks Darryl for
that info.

Željko, I suggest you try it. It will not solve your complex field
identification problems where you still have to use Firebug/Developer
Toolbar; but it will ease your development effort a lot; especially if
you have a form based application with lots of data entry fields.


On Apr 21, 1:46 am, Željko Filipin <zeljko.fili...@wa-research.ch>
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Babitha <babitha.augus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I could share this script if anybody was interested. But, I am not
> > sure where I can upload it.
> You will find that Watir community does not like recorders. You can upload
> it on your site, github, or you can take over watir recorder project at
> openqa.org.
> Željko
> --
> watir.com - community manager
> watir.com/book - author
> watirpodcast.com - host
> viaqa.mobi conference on software testing - organizer

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you ask, be nice.


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