I have a web app with a top menu bar with drop down menus in it driven
by javascript (extjs).  I can easily access the menu items in Firefox
and Chrome.  But IE does not work the same way.  The menu requires
either a mouse hover or click on the top item to drop down and then a
click on the item to be selected.  This is easy and fast in FF,

driver.p( :text => topmenu ).when_present.click
driver.a( :text => submenu ).when_present.click

In IE what happens is that the first click drops down the menu, but
then the menu disappears before the 2nd line can complete the click on
the actual item to be selected.  The 2nd click fails because the item
is, of course, not visible.

Watir webdriver appears to not have the Selenium webdriver actions?
In Selenium webdriver I would try something like this:


Is there a way to access the Selenium webdriver actions in Watir
webdriver?  Or some other solution for IE in this situation?  The
Watir browser object appears to not have an "action" set of methods.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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