OK, I was able to implement now using browser.wd.  Important to note that 
the elements need to be "found" with browser.wd.find_element() before 
trying to put them into browser.action.click( menu ).click( submenu 

Only problem is that my original code doesn't work for the very first sub 
menu item in 3 of the 7 top drop down menus I have to work with. :(  It is 
like WebDriver just isn't getting quite the right thing clicked.  On one 
menu the first item from the next menu is clicked instead, other two just 
don't get clicked at all.  I think it may be a timing issue, but I don't 
know how to slow down the process of the Selenium Action Manager. I've 
verified that I've located the correct link in the submenus...

Thanks for the help, guys!  I'll have to work around this some other way.

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