I have a "split button" that when clicked in the middle or left side will 
perform a default action on that page.  But if clicked on the right side it 
will drop down a menu to select from a set of actions.  I can't get Watir 
webdriver to click and drop down the menu.  It only is able to click and 
perform the default action in the page.

There is a similar item at 
Try the Menu Button drop down

The html of my button is somewhat similar to the link above and I'm having 
the same problem getting Watir webdriver to click on the right side and 
drop down the menu:

<td class="x-btn-mc">
    <em id="ext-gen49" class="x-btn-split" unselectable="on" 
style="background-color: transparent;">
        <button id="ext-gen22" class=" x-btn-text" 

Is there a way to get Watir webdriver to click somewhere besides the middle 
of an object?  I wonder if I could click a few pixels to the right of 
center if the menu would appear.  

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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