Unfortunately the <em> takes up the same space as the button even though it 
sticks out a little bit on the right side.  So when clicking the <em> the 
click still happens in the middle and hits the button along the way.

A real mouse click on the right side works fine manually in the browser. 
 Can Watir "fine tune" the click position somehow?

On Thursday, April 26, 2012 3:36:23 PM UTC-5, Chuck van der Linden wrote:
> The button only occupies the left portion of the EM that holds it. The 
> down arrow icon next to it is part of the container holding the button, so 
> if you are clicking the little down arrow icon you are clicking on the EM 
> or maybe the div/cell that holds the EM tag..  Maybe try clicking that 
> instead of the button and see what happens?  
> That could be a little tricky however since normally em is just a text 
> formatting tag ('emphasis') and is not an element watir supports since this 
> particular usage is well um er lets just say 'creative'.  So you might have 
> to identify it as a generic element and use the class or ID to select it.   
> You could also try clicking on the cell and see if that does anything for 
> you.
> If neither of those work then it might be time to talk to the ExtJS folks 
> and ask them how to automate this darned control  (I'm pretty sure sikuli 
> could do it if nothing else works) 
> On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:55:31 AM UTC-7, mndude wrote:
>> I have a "split button" that when clicked in the middle or left side will 
>> perform a default action on that page.  But if clicked on the right side it 
>> will drop down a menu to select from a set of actions.  I can't get Watir 
>> webdriver to click and drop down the menu.  It only is able to click and 
>> perform the default action in the page.
>> There is a similar item at 
>> http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.1.0-gpl/examples/kitchensink/index.html#basic-toolbar
>> Try the Menu Button drop down
>> The html of my button is somewhat similar to the link above and I'm 
>> having the same problem getting Watir webdriver to click on the right side 
>> and drop down the menu:
>> <td class="x-btn-mc">
>>     <em id="ext-gen49" class="x-btn-split" unselectable="on" 
>> style="background-color: transparent;">
>>         <button id="ext-gen22" class=" x-btn-text" 
>> type="button">Add</button>
>>     </em>
>> </td>
>> Is there a way to get Watir webdriver to click somewhere besides the 
>> middle of an object?  I wonder if I could click a few pixels to the right 
>> of center if the menu would appear.  

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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