Hi All,

While entering data into text field it is taking too much time. i.e. 

*it enters data character by character.*Please find the code below:

*require "rubygems"require "watir-webdriver"b=Watir::Browser.new :ieb.goto 
"www.gogle.com"b.text_field(:id, /xyz/).set "abcdefgh"   # here it enters 
data char by char.*
Also i have tried with the below code and it doesn't work since "speed" 
method is undefined method:

*b.speed = :fast * # this gives error since speed method is undefined in 
Watir web driver.

I have copied some code (to define speed method) from the below site 
browser.rb file.


but still it is same.

Can any one please help me.

Thanks in advance,

Warm Regards,

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you ask, be nice.


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