I am using Ruby 2.0.0 with Watir-Classic 4.2.0 on Windows 7 64 bit with 

I have a script that works entirely fine when working with IE8. A button is 
clicked, the next page loads, and the expected functionality continues 
until the end of the script.

However, I'm running into an issue when running the same script on a 
machine with IE11 running with the site in compatibility mode. 

When I click the same button, the entire WATIR process seems to lock up. I 
eventually get a timeout and the script fails.  Once the script fails, I 
attempt to maximize the window and take a screenshot. This can take 
anywhere from 1 minute to 10 minutes after the process locks up (which is 
not normal, it usually only take a moment to take a screenshot). While this 
is occurring, I also can not attach to the browser through an IRB session. 
 The same steps can still be performed manually without issue - I can click 
the button just fine and the next page loads, so this is an automation only 

Another weird part is this is NOT 100% of the time, and occurs on my 
machine and our webapps with about 80% repeatability. Sometimes the script 
continues normally, which leads me to believe this is some sort of race 
condition with compat mode. Even weirder is the fact that my colleague, who 
has the same system setup as mine, does not run into this issue - though 
his machine does tend to run slower than mine.

Does anyone have any suggestions for working around this issue? We need to 
upgrade to IE11 for other scripts, but obviously cannot until we resolve 
this issue.


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you ask, be nice.


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