On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Daniel <danl...@terra.es> wrote:

> This is useful for desktop software too. I'm thinking of Stellarium or
> Google Earth, where moving the mouse is expected to move the
> environment, not the pointer itself.

    "Games" is really perhaps shorthand here; there are a lot of tools
and so forth that have similar behavior and operating requirements to
games, but aren't strictly games per se.  If you have an architectural
walkthrough program that lets you navigate a building and make
alterations, that's not really something you'd call a game, but it is
operating under many of the same constraints.  It's more obvious in
things using 3D, but even the 2D side can use it in places.

    I could easily see (for example) wanting to be able to do drag &
drop within a window on a canvas larger than the window can display;
say it's something like dia or visio or the like.  I drag an icon from
the sidebar into the canvas, and if it gets to the edge of the canvas
window the canvas scrolls and the dragged object (and the pointer)
parks at the window edge.

    It's useful behavior.  I can definitely see why adding it to the
protocol makes things more annoying, but I've a strong suspicion it's
one of those things that if you leave it out you'll find that down the
road there's a lot of pressure to find a way to hack it in.


 Todd Showalter, President,
 Electron Jump Games, Inc.
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