Sam Spilsbury wrote:
Hey all,

I've started playing around with trying to get weston surfaces (or
views as they will later be called) to use arbitrary vertex meshes.
Do you have an explanation for "views"? I thought wayland already supported putting the same buffer in more than one surface, so I don't see the purpose of "views".

This proposal is for warping windows, not for just making non-rectangular shapes, right? I think non-rectangular shapes are intended to be done by using transparent pixels in the buffer.

Currently, the vertex clipping implementation supports up to eight
vertices and assumes that they are arranged in a fan (eg
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)[1]. I'm pretty sure that most geometry can be covered
as long as we support GL_TRIANGLES (disjunct triangles),
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP (quadrilaterals or other sequential meshes) and
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN (circles).
You don't intend to clip arbitrary shapes against each other, right? You just want to go in after the clipping has produced these 8 triangles.
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