On 11 Aug 2014, at 12:57 PM, Giulio Camuffo wrote:

> 2014-08-11 13:29 GMT+03:00 Rutledge Shawn <shawn.rutle...@digia.com>:
>> On 11 Aug 2014, at 11:34 AM, Giulio Camuffo wrote:
>>> 2014-08-11 12:20 GMT+03:00 Rutledge Shawn <shawn.rutle...@digia.com>:
>>>> On 11 Aug 2014, at 9:10 AM, Pier Luigi wrote:
>>>> (top-posting fixed)
>>>>> 2014-08-11 8:13 GMT+02:00 Steve (YiLiang) Zhou <sz...@telecomsys.com>:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> My app has a mainwindow and a QDialog which is a child of mainwindow. 
>>>>>> And I
>>>>>> want to set the app to the position 0,0.
>>>>>> I use both setGeometry and move to  0,0. No luck , both failed. The 
>>>>>> window’s
>>>>>> position is unfixed and may appear to anywhere on the screen.
>>>> I was wondering about that too.  I understand that it's generally good 
>>>> policy to leave positioning of generic windows up to the window manager, 
>>>> but sometimes you want to write a dock or taskbar which anchors itself to 
>>>> screen edges, and can animate in and out of view; or a splash screen which 
>>>> is centered on one screen.  What is the right way to do that on Wayland?
>>> The right way is to have a protocol designed for that. A taskbar
>>> should use some taskbar_protocol with a request like
>>> put_on_edge(edge), and the compositor will then move the surface on
>>> the edge and do slide in/out or whatever effect it wants to.
>> I understand the advantage of taking a higher-level approach.  But then 
>> someone thinks of something for which the scenario-specific protocol doesn't 
>> suffice.  If windows could move themselves, it might be more flexible.  It 
>> may be too low-level, but it's hard to think of any other protocol that is 
>> universal enough, which I suppose is why it's not standardized.
> The problem is that windows don't always have a meaningful position.
> If a window is shown on two outputs at the same time, maybe one of
> which a remote one, what is the window position?

On X11 (and other window systems) all outputs are mapped into the "virtual 
desktop" space, side-by-side or overlapping or whatever, so that there is a 
unified coordinate system.  On Wayland there is not this assumption?

> And what is the
> position of a window rotated 45 degrees?

Something could be made up; perhaps the position should always be the centroid 
instead of the upper-left? (although in other use cases that would be less 
convenient)  Rotation doesn't make sense without a center of rotation either.

>> What about when a window provides its own "skinned" window decorations: 
>> there will probably be some area in which you can drag to move the window, 
>> as you normally can on the titlebar.  Is there another protocol for that?  
>> How would that be different from a generic protocol which windows could use 
>> to position themselves?
> wl_shell_surface/xdg_surface have a "move" request. The clients call
> that and then the compositor actually does the moving.

So interactive moving only, but nothing to ask programmatically for a window to 
be moved by some delta.
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