Sorry if this is a duplicate, I am having trouble with gmail.

On 10/20/2015 12:38 AM, Bryce Harrington wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:01:14AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:21:23PM +0100, Auke Booij wrote:
>>> Introduce the enum and bitfield attributes, which allow you to refer to
>>> the enum
>>> you are expecting in an argument, and specify which enums are to be
>>> thought of
>>> as bitfields.
>>> +      Additionally, the protocol can specify <type>enum</type>s.  These
>>> are used
>>> +      to list options for <type>int</type> and <type>uint</type> type
>>> arguments.
>>> +      Arguments can refer to the specific enumeration that is
>>> semantically
>>> +      implied.  Only in the case that the argument is of type
>>> <type>uint</type>,
>>> +      it can be specified that the primary interface to its numeric
>>> value deals
>>> +      with bitwise operations, for example when arbitrarily many
>>> choices of the
>>> +      enum can be ORed together.
>>> +    </para>
>>> +    <para>
>>> +      The purpose of the <type>enum</type> and <type>bitfield</type>
>>> attributes
>>> +      is to document what arguments refer to which enums, and to
>>> document which
>>> +      numeric enum values are primarily accessed using bitwise
>>> operations.
>>> +      Additionally, the enum and bitfield attributes may be used by
>>> other code,
>>> +      such as bindings to other languages, for example to enhance type
>>> safety of
>>> +      code.  However, such usage is only supported if the following
>>> property is
>>> +      satisfied: code written prior to the specification of these
>>> attributes
>>> +      still works after their specification.  In other words,
>>> specifying an
>>> +      attribute for an argument, that previously did not have an enum or
>>> +      bitfield attribute, should not break API.  Code that does not
>>> satisfy this
>>> +      rule is not guaranteed to obey backwards compatibility.
>> This next chunk gets a bit too jarringly technical too quickly.  I think
>> your second paragraph gives a better intro to these attributes, but it
>> doesn't work to simply swap them.  Let me take a shot at copyediting
>> this a bit:
>> I think this is clearer, and hopefully hasn't lost any meaning.  I'm not
>> sure it's improved the technicality of this prose...  perhaps this
>> section would be better promoted to its own section, with maybe just a
>> reference sentence included here?  Not sure.
> I'm noticing now that I've misunderstood what the bitfield attribute is;
> so the above text is incorrect.  Let me try again.
>           Additionally, the protocol can specify <type>enum</type>s which
>         associate specific numeric enumeration values.  These are
>         primarily just description in nature: at the wire format level
>         enums are just integers.  But they also serve a secondary purpose
>         to enhance type safety or otherwise add context for use in
>         language bindings or other such code.  This latter usage is only
>         supported so long as code written before these attributes were
>         introduced still works after; in other words, adding an enum
>         should not break API, otherwise it puts backwards compatibility
>         at risk.
>         <type>enum</type>s can be defined as bitfields or just a set of
>         integers.  This is specified via the <type>bitfield</type>
>         boolean attribute in the <type>enum</type> definition.  If this
>         attribute is true, the enum is intended to be accessed primarily
>         using bitwise operations, for example when arbitrarily many
>         choices of the enum can be ORed together; if it is false, or the
>         attribute is omitted, then the enum arguments are a just a
>         sequence of numerical values.
>         The <type>enum</type> attribute can be used on either
>         <type>uint</type> or <type>int</type> arguments, however if the
>         <type>enum</type> is defined as a <type>bitfield</type>, it can
>         only be used on <type>uint</type> args.

This version definitely better, though you might be able to skip the "This
is specified via..." sentence since it is describing low-level xml syntax
that it seems the rest is skipping (for instance there is no description of
the syntax to actually assign name-value pairs).

I'm not really certain about the back-compatiblity section. Does this mean
that if previously somebody was able to pass 42 unchanged to a message,
that it still has to work? Or are we allowed to assume that previously
people used the enumeration names and not raw numbers? I think it might be
best to delete this. Treatment of back-compatibility is probably something
that the language binding writers can decide.

Bitfields also allow certain values to be tested somehow, ie there is a
test(v, enum_constant) function of some type that returns true/false. It is
ok if this only works for enum_constants whose value is a power of 2. Not
sure how to word this...

"sequence" might also be misleading. The values do not have to be
consecutive. In particular there may be more than one name for the same
value. Maybe use "set" instead.

May also want to indicate that despite the support for int, I think
negative enum values are not allowed.

My attempt:

       Additionally, the protocol can specify <type>enum</type>s which
       associate a set of names with numeric values and indicate that
       only those names should be used for this argument. These are
       primarily just description in nature: at the wire format level
       enums are just integers. But a language binding can use
       them to enhance type safety and provide descriptive context.

       <type>enum</type>s can be defined as bitfields or just a set of
       integers. A bitfield enum must support the ability to 'or' together
       multiple named values to produce a value that can be put in a
       and the ability to test a value from an event against any value that
       is a power of two. A non-bitfield enum does not
       have to support this and it may be desirable to prohibit it.

       In a few cases there will be the need to pass arbitrary numbers
       for an enum value. A language binding will need to provide some
       way to convert an arbitrary number to the enum value, and to compare
       an enum value to an arbitrary number.
        A <type>uint</type> argument should be used (this is provided for
       back-compatibility with parsers that predate the enum attribute).
       For historic reasons, non-bitfield attributes can use a
       <type>int</type> instead of <type>uint</type> but this should
       not be done for any new protocol.
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