
On 1 June 2018 at 17:52, Derek Foreman <der...@osg.samsung.com> wrote:
> Our last release for wayland and weston was April 9th, and there has
> been some talk on IRC about release schedules, so maybe it's time to
> start planning for the next one.
> Previously it looks like we've been on a 6 month cycle with releases in
> February and August.  Following that duration we'd be looking at an
> October release.  It feels like there's already a lot of significant
> change, so I'm not sure waiting til October makes sense?
> Are we moving fast enough to do releases every 4 months instead of 6?

Maybe? There's certainly a ton of change in the tree now, and a few
more which look like they could land (IVI/XDG, the last bits of
atomic, etc). It'd be a pretty hefty release whenever we released it.
I don't have a strong opinion on when we get it out the door, to be

> I think we also no longer need to rigidly release wayland and weston at
> the same time, as wayland itself is quite mature and may not receive
> many significant patches during a weston cycle.  I'm wondering if
> libwayland releases should break from timed cycles entirely?

That sounds good to me. libwayland is so quiet that I don't think we
need to force it out the door every so often; I think moving it out of
forced major releases could get us actually doing patch releases as
well, which would be nice.

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