On 10/13/19 2:05 PM, Scott Anderson wrote:
(Sorry to CCs for spam, I made an error in my first posting)


There were certainly some interesting changes discussed at the allocator
workshop during XDC this year, and I'd like to just summarise my
thoughts on it and make sure everybody is on the same page.

For those who don't know who I am or my stake in this, I'm the
maintainer of the DRM and graphics code for the wlroots Wayland
compositor library. I'm ascent12 on Github and Freenode.

My understanding of the issue Nvidia was trying to solve was the
in-place transition between different format modifiers. E.g. if a client
is to be scanned out, the buffer would need to be transitioned to a
non-compressed format that the display controller can work with, but if
the client is to be composited, a compressed format would be used,
saving on memory bandwidth. Hardware may have more efficient ways to
transition between different formats, so it would be good if we can use
these and not rely on having to perform a blit if we don't need to. The
problem is more general than this, but that was just the example given.

The original solution proposed in James' talk was to add functions to
EGL/OpenGL/Vulkan and have the display server perform transitions where

FWIW, I didn't intend to imply the display server should be the thing doing transitions. It is a possible implementation, but I assumed display servers would only do these transitions in fallback paths or as part of some in-between period before clients picked up on the need for them. Beyond the design goals you imply below, I wanted to note that it's more optimal to perform transitions in the client, and since transitions were intended to be persistent (paralleling Vulkan layout transitions), the compositor would need to transition back to the client's view of the image if the client hadn't picked up on the transition and agreed to handle it anyway, which would not be ideal and could cost additional perf in some cases.

Discussions during the workshop at the start tended to having libliftoff
handle all of this, but would require libliftoff to have its own
rendering context, which I think is bloating the purpose of the library.
Also discussed was to have libliftoff ask the compositor to perform the
transition if it thinks it was possible.

Another suggestion I made was to make use of Simon's dmabuf hints patch
to the wp_linux_dmabuf protocol [1] and leave it up to the client's GPU
driver to handle any transitions. This wasn't adequately represented in
the lightning talk summarising the workshop, so I'll go over it here
now, making sure everyone understands what it is and why I think it is
the way we should go forward.

Right now, a Wayland compositor will advertise all of the
format+modifier pairs that it supports, but currently does not provide
any context for clients as to which one they should actually choose.
It's basically up to chance if a client is able to be scanned out and is
likely to lead to several suboptimal situations.

The dmabuf hints patch adds a way to suggest a better format to use,
based on the current context. This is dynamic, and can be sent multiple
times over the lifetime of a surface. The patch also adds a way for the
compositor to tell the client which GPU its using, which is useful for
clients to know in multi GPU situations.

These hints are in various "tranches", which are just groups of
format+modifier pairs of the same preference. The tranches are ordered
from most optimal to least optimal. The most optimal tranche would imply
direct scanout, while a less optimal tranche would imply compositing,
but is not actually defined like that in the protocol.

If a client becomes fullscreen, we would send the format+modifier pairs
for the primary plane as the most optimal tranche. If a client is
eligible to be scanned out on an overlay plane, we would send the
format+modifier pairs for that plane. If a client is partially occluded
or otherwise not possible to be scanned out, we'd just have the normal
format+modifier pairs that we can use as a texture. Note that the
compositor won't send format+modifier pairs which we cannot texture
from, even if the plane advertises it's supported. We always need to be
able to fall back to compositing.

The hard part of figuring out which clients are "eligible" for being
scanned out on an overlay plane could be handled by libliftoff (or
something similar) and given back to the compositor to forward to
clients. For libliftoff to make a properly informed decision, I think
the atomic KMS API needs to be changed. We can only TEST_ONLY for valid
buffers, testing the immediate configuration, but doesn't allow us to
test for a configuration we WANT to go to. We need some sort of fake
framebuffer not backed by any real memory, but will allow us to
TEST_ONLY it. Without this, we may tell the client format+modifier pairs
that we think will work for scanout, but don't due to whatever hardware
limitations or transient issues like memory bandwidth, and we could
actually make things worse by having the client transition formats.

As an aside, I would really like these fake framebuffers for my
modesetting set up to be a lot cleaner too.

I'm sure this has been discussed before, and I'm not really sure what
the implications are from a driver perspective. I'd have to leave it up
to people more familiar with KMS and driver internals to comment on
this. Even if the solution isn't 100%, something that works most of
time would be hugely helpful (especially with RGB formats). Perhaps this
is not possible, and would need to live inside of driver-specific code
inside of libraries like libliftoff, but it would be nice not to come to
that. It seems useful enough for a generic KMS userspace.

IIRC, the only concern I mentioned about this type of mechanism is that we'd need to validate the "real" surface was in local device memory. However, we probably wouldn't succeed creating a "real" FB for a surface that wasn't in/couldn't get in device memory in the first place, so that's probably moot. I don't know if others have limitations like this that are tied to having actual memory and don't have the same solution, but regardless, I agree, an empty, proxy FB object of some sort sounds useful. I'll never claim to be a mode setting expert, but from some quick grepping, it looks like the input our HW needs to validate a configuration is covered by bpp/format + outputs used + overlay planes used on those outputs.

As to how dmabuf hints would look client-side, I think this could be
managed by the GPU driver pretty easily.

For EGL, if the driver is capable of transitions in-place, they can
simply do that as required. If the GPU cannot transition to a new format
directly, they can deallocate then reallocate buffers in the new format
as they are consumed. This would only lead to a couple of inefficient
frames when a new hint is sent, but will reach an optimal situation in
the steady state.

Vulkan already has VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR for telling the application that it
should reallocate its swapchain.

If either the EGL driver or Vulkan application doesn't take these hints
to account, things will still continue to work, just not in the most
optimal way, basically as it works now.

I believe that the dmabuf hints patch should meet the transition issue
that Nvidia was trying to fix. It keeps a lot of the complexity inside
of the drivers, and keeps the rendering complexity outside of
libliftoff, and doesn't require extensions to EGL/OpenGL/Vulkan as far
as I know.

I agree this all sounds like the right path forward. However, a few things to note:

-I still think the extensions are useful. Our proprietary driver's Wayland EGL layer is written entirely in EGL+OpenGL (I.e., it's just a "layer"): https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland Currently it's using EGLStream, but it could have a GBM+dma-buf path as well. Similarly, being able to implement Vulkan WSI in a layer using only standardized Vulkan code in the layer was an explicit goal of Vulkan 1.1-era SI (external objects, the dma-buf extensions layered on top, etc.), and is clearly the preferable future (See the related XDC talk). Finally, low-level clients shouldn't be required to go through eglSwapBuffers()/vkQueuePresentKHR() at all. There shouldn't be a required perf hit for rolling your own presentation code. For all these reasons, I think having GL/EGL/Vulkan extensions available is still the way to go, and these are the primary reasons I wrote things up this way as opposed to hacking on eglSwapBuffers() in nouveau. You could say this can be deferred, but I'd prefer to develop it up front to prove the concept. It would suck to get this wrong somehow and then have to go back and adjust the interfaces again to fix it. Internally, it shouldn't matter that much either way. Drivers can use the same gallium/DRI/internal code paths to implement the extension and some automatic transition.

-As you note, this limits things to formats/layouts that can be composited (basically, things that can be textures). "Things that can be textures" is a superset of "Things that can be scanned out" for these purposes on our HW, so that's fine for NVIDIA. Does that hold up elsewhere? A secondary motivation for me was that the compositor could transition back to compositing from overlay compositing without requiring a blit or a new frame from the client in cases where that didn't hold up, but I don't know if that's interesting or not.

I don't think any of this prevents moving forward with your proposals. Just wanted to note it here for posterity.

In the future, if any sort of constraints interface is worked out,
wp_linux_dmabuf could be extended again to accommodate it. There may
already be a need for some extra flags which would be the equivalent of
GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT, but I'm not going to try and design that interface

I agree deferring constraints is the best way to make progress.


Thanks for your time.
Any feedback is welcome.


[1] https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/263061/
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