Hi Matt,

fös., 31. maí 2024 kl. 15:34 skrifaði Hoosier, Matt <matt.hoos...@garmin.com>:
> Thanks, understood. I would expect that I need to take some care in 
> allocating a buffer that my DRM driver accepts for writeback, in this usage.
> Do I interpret right that the wlroots screencopy extension wants the client 
> to create a fresh zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 for each successive frame? I 
> wonder then:
> * Whether this might lead to the possibility of dropped frames, if the client 
> doesn’t manage to send back the requests to start capture for frame N+1 soon 
> enough after the delivery of the copied buffer for frame N; and

If you send a frame request as soon as you receive an update, frames
will not be dropped.

> * Will the explicit request for each frame via zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1:: 
> copy(), result in artificial redraws to satisfy the request? Ideally I would 
> just like to receive a passive copy of each frame that naturally got drawn by 
> the compositor. Perhaps with one artificial redraw at the very beginning of 
> the screencopy stream just to have a defined starting point.

For wlr-screencopy-v1, you can use the the "copy_with_damage" request
to avoid "artificial redraws". See:

For ext-screencopy-v1, when you create a session, a redraw may be
required for the first frame. After that, only damaged frames are
copied for that session. See:


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