Hi all,
I'm starting at the beginning, with season #1 of my Mayberry DVD's, and  
working through. I've a little med. problem so I've had Dr.'s orders to  spend 
time each day on my treadmill. I walk for 30 min. So as not to make  it so 
boring, my darling person has mounted a 10 inch portable DVD player on top  of 
Nordic Track control panel. I now start all my days off in  Mayberry. Today I 
watched "Ellie Comes To Town." I recently noticed a  couple of things I hadn't 
noticed before. Maybe these have been previously  mentioned & it could be I'm 
wrong but I'll pass them by you trained noticers  any way. First, in "The 
Guitar Player" when Barney brings Jim Lindsey into the  courthouse when Bobby 
Fleet and his band are incarcerated, I thought I  noticed, at first one of 
sleeves rolled up and the other  one wasn't, and then in the same scene the one 
that wasn't rolled  had been rolled up one turn. ??? ( Too much time on my 
hands? =) 
    Then in the episode "Ellie Comes To Town"   Ellie runs out of the Drugs 
Store calling for help when she finds Andy &  Aunt Bee have "broken into the 
store." Barney is in the squad car  parked next to a metal mail box. As he is 
scrambling out of the car, his  door is up against the mail box. As he is 
to squeeze through the narrow  opening, the mail box wobbles. Wouldn't a 
heavy mail box have been secured  tightly into the pavement? ( Again, too much 
time on my hands? )
    You All Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana 

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