"I, too, think it rather odd that Andy didn't just explain the mix-up to Helen."
  Well I think I can explain that, here goes:  Helen told him weeks ago her 
uncle was coming to town and made him promise to keep that evening open, but 
Andy didn't write it down.  Then she gave him a subtle reminder on their 
regular TV watching date, but Andy didn't catch it because the young doctor was 
operating on his own mother.  So when he wasn't there on time for dinner, she 
was burned up.  After all she'd reminded and reminded him and even left a 
message with Goober, and he'd promised to be there.  And now the dinner was 
ready, and her uncle was asking about her boyfriend while also wondering if 
there was a man out there good enough for his special niece Helen.  What an 
uncomfortable situation!   How dare that Andy Taylor be so thoughless!  If he's 
doing this now, what will happen if they marry?  Well, he's not caught yet!  
I'll bet he's never late for a lodge meeting!   Or bowling!  And 
furthermore....oh, excuse me.
  I better look at some ink blots and see if Sig had this one pegged too.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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