-----Original Message-----

>> has anybody noticed in the color episodes that Andy treats Aunt Bee like
>> she is a child?

>> <<The earlier Andy respected Aunt Bee and her decisions, right or wrong.
>> He would have supported her right to wear the wig, tho he knew it was 
>> wrong.>>

>> I have to disagree....he told her over and over to "Call the man."  
>> "Just call the man!"

I'll add my 2 cents in this discussion... I think it SEEMS like Andy is
chiding Aunt Bee more in the color episodes, but it's because she's trying
to exercise her independence more.  She learns to drive AND fly an airplane,
for heaven's sake!  Also, at that time, people didn't regard older people as
being able to do new things like they do now, particularly women.  I really
liked Aunt Bee's independent streak.  She had a lot of moxie!

Sue Grigsby
"And don't be late for supper!" (We knew who really ran the show in that

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