Well my membership goes back to at least 99, and I believe before that a
few years,(95 or 96)  but due to a computer crash back then, I do not
have the official verification.

To steal and modify a line from a movie.."Being with all of you makes me
want to be a better Fan" (of the Andy Griffith Show). Before I
discovered this Digest, this website, and most importantly, this virtual
community of fans..I was just a guy, with a favorite show, with little
knowledge about it, and no one to really talk to about it.

Now, I've got books, tapes, DVDs Newsletters, and the knowledge that I
have gained at this wonderful place and 1500 or so friends.  The
internet is a scary thing, but its wonderful how it has brought us fans
together across this country and even across the world in a few cases
for a common love of a show that aired over 40 years ago.   I have
become what I am here today, because I've emulated so many of the
friends I've met here.

There are people like Paul, who stretch me to learn more and know more,
and be able to answer, and sometimes even ask good questions.  There are
people like Dapper Dan and Laura Lee, and so  so many others that make
me laugh out loud, and thus I try to do the same for some of you.

Then there are the Tribute Artists.  I count it a privilege to have met
and corresponded with David Browning and Allan...though I never really
met them, I just met The Mayberry Deputy and Floyd.  I actually thought
a lot about being A Tribute Artist...but I found that my gift, like Ken
and so many of you, is writing.   So I became a "Writer Tribute Artist"
--writing what I called Lost Episodes..which Allan was kind enough to
post some as Fan Fiction.  I've written songs, poems scenes, and even
scripts long enough for  whole episodes perhaps...but the greatest joy
in writing...is sharing some new thought or idea with all of you.

Writing to the Digest is a funny thing.  Sometimes I write something
that is so funny (I think) I laugh as I am typing it up....and then
after I post, I don't hear a word...and then other times, I just throw
in a quip...and we talk about it for days..People sure are odd.  I'm
sure some of you have experienced that as well.  Many times I've been
amused or touched by something, and not had time to respond...so thank
you all for the times you responded...and for the times you sent
something great, that I did not respond.  Please know that everything
submitted is appreciated by somebody!!

I also emulate Allan at times.  I appreciate him so much, that I try to
be one of his deputies sometimes, and help keep the peace.  We've had
some real sticky times over the years...but he has always handled it
with class.  I know Allan you've had technological marvel challenges as
well.  Thank you so much sir for not giving up!!.  Thanks for keeping
this little town open!!!  You are a great Sheriff, er Barber, and friend
to all.

I think I learned from Dan, Laura Lee, Neil Bentley and others that its
fun to just go back in time and pretend we are there in Mayberry.

My great memories include:
Hearing from script writer Harvey Bullock when he used to write to the
Digest  every now and then.
Discovering Background Actors, and making a hobby of watching for them
(Mr. Schwamp the foremost of course)
Meeting so many friends here...many of which are no longer here.  God
Bless them where ever they are.
Finding out  about and attending a few Mayberry events.  (never been to
Mayberry Days though)
Finally getting DVDs after we discussed for years how nice it would be
if more that the Columbia House tapes were available
The Digest Archives, and the Cast Database.  I know the Archives are
gone now, but I loved them, and I love the website resources.
Having somebody to grieve with when we have lost our heroes and friends.
Having someone to laugh with about our favorite characters.
Learning things to watch for on our favorite show.
Coming up with trivia questions and sharing them with you.
Meeting some of you in person as well as seeing Betty Lynn, Howard
Morris,  Maggie Peterson, The Dillards and others in person.  

My favorite Digest Exchange was one I was fortunate enough to begin, but
was made great by many of you.  Do you old timers remember the ailment
"TAGS-L-versitis"...and the scoring system to see how bad you had it?
That was a hoot for about a week. I kept copies of that one.  I also
remember the Johnny Coons/Tom Jacobs thing that Bob mentioned.  I have
to admit that I also liked the Sleep Pants debacle.  (that was one time
I think I was on the wrong side of the law).  

Well I'm getting windy again.  (Allan used to have to limit my space at
times--he said I had a writing compelsion) so I'll wrap it up.

The last 10-15 years have been great, my friends.  Here's to all of
you...and the years to come...cause I ain't done yet, and I hope you're
Just what was going on at Mrs. Wiley's anyway?  Was it a Singles Social
night?...and Where was Mr. Wiley???  I can't believe he left her there
with a Casanova like Mr. Schwamp?   And whatever happen to the guy who
took the flower pot on the head?  Did he ever appear again?

These and other musings, I need all of you for!
With warmest regards and thanks
The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group
Next to my Morning Prayer, a Loving Family, and an Andy episode a day or
so, you all are often the best part of my day

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