>>>Question came up as to whether Thelma Lou made the fudge or Barney brought 
>>>it with him. Last nights episode "Barney and Thelma Lou, Pfftt", Barney 
>>>brought a sack of fudge with him but he and Andy ended up eating it.<<<

Yes, but I think the implication was that Barney was so used to eating cashew 
fudge at Thelma Lou's house that he went out and bought some himself to make up 
for the fact that he was missing Thel's fudge that night.  Besides, Barney 
buying cashew fudge every week would be out of character, considering how tight 
he was with money.  Remember the time he delivered some ice cream (West Indian 
Licorice Mocha Delight) to Thelma Lou and expected her to pay for it?  ("A good 
delivery boy always has change!")  Also, they always went dutch treat on their 
dates.  So I don't see Barn springing for store-bought fudge every week when 
Thelma Lou could make it herself.  That's my theory, anyway.

Thelma Lou
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