Hey my Mayberry Nuts---I hosted the Mayberry Trivia Night tonight and what a 
Success.  I decorated in blue and orange.  The tables had stuff that I have 
collected throughout the years on them.  We served funnell cakes and root beer. 
Also gave them a piece of cashew fudge to take home and enjoy.  There were 59 
who showed up and played.  I couldnt believe it!  I had only made 37 copies of 
the test.  Everyone was willing to share.  Some talked of maybe having some 
other kind of activities like this.  They all spoke of wanting to do Mayberry 
again.  I was shocked.  I was happy!  Didnt have too many disagreements.  One 
was about Fluffy, one was about who got all the credit catching the convicts at 
large.  The grand prize went to a man who got 41 out of 45 questions right.  
All in all, it was a great night.  We took pictures but didnt know how to send 
them here.
It felt good sharing alittle Mayberry with others.  

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

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