I too am very thankful for this Board. I have been a member since the summer of 
1996, so that's about 12 1/2 years for me. I feel like this is my "Mayberry 
Family." I met Allan in 1998 at a Mayberry gathering in Birmingham, and I've 
corresponded with him and the other members electronically for longer than my 
daughter has been alive.... 

Since I joined TAGSRWC I have:? Changed jobs five times, lost a parent and two 
grandparents, a sister-in-law and several great aunts & uncles, weathered three 
hurricanes, lost a family pet, got married, enrolled in and graduated from law 
school, had a daughter born who has now achieved the age of ten, and become 
fully vested in my retirement program........ So, it is easy for you guys to 
feel like members of the family because through each of these events over the 
years, I have been able to sign on and escape to Mayberry when things got 
rough. I will never forget the nice personal note I received from Jim Clark 
when my dad died, and there are many other special moments about being part of 
this group. I plan to continue as long as it exists.....

Let me be one of the early birds to say: Happy Holidays to everyone, and I hope 
that this season is the most special ever for each and every one of you!

Brad "Neil Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my services...."
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