I just wanted to yell a big Hello and welcome to all the new folks here in this 
little corner of Mayberry. I hope you all enjoy it here as much as the rest of 
us do. There's always something fun to do and talk about here in Mayberry so 
just jump in and hang on, it's one heck of an exciting ride. 
As for the photo of Sarah well I see no pale or bowl of hot water for soaking. 
"Soak it Sarah, soak it in hot water" 
"Just soak it sarah, just soak it"
Just thought I would give ya something to thunk about under that there bucket.
Mike "CJ" Becker /Ernest T Bass
AMSOM is the 
chapter of TAGSrwc
Now available in paper back, 
Life Lessons from A Mayberry State of Mind season 1
see website for details. 
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