>>Message: 6
>>Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 14:00:42 -0600
>>From: "Martha" <mhumphr...@knology.net>
>>Subject: Acting Andy

>>PS What was the nameof the short-lived series where Andy was a teacher? My 
>>husband and I were trying to remember it last night, and I'm too lazy to look 
>>it up. :-)



That would be Head Master


Hope that helps 


As for unpunished crimes: I feel the same way Bareny does about this, it is the 
one crime that leads to all others, you let it go and soon people will be 
ignoring the don't walk on the grass signs and the town will become a regular 
sin city I tell ya, 


Jaywalking Emma Watson should have been charged and posicuted to the fullest 
extent of the law. YES !! That's right I know she is sweet and everything and 
she's already in her 40's but lets face it if we let folks go just because they 
are kin or friend there'd be no one left to arrest. 


it's me, it's me, it's Ernest T..


Mike "CJ" Becker / Ernest T Bass




is the 






chapter of TAGSrwc



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