Allan, I love hearing your podcasts and reading everything at 
Please keep up the good work. Mayberry Days are just a week or so away and I 
just can't wait! I've seen a blooper that I haven't heard about anywhere else. 
In the episode "TV or not TV" (season 5), Andy, a TV producer and his 
assistant(bank robbers) are discussing a new TV show called "Sheriff without a 
Gun". It's a scene in the courthouse and Barney comes in with his hat strap 
under his chin. Please note the gun rack. It's locked then cut away and come 
back it's unlocked! This happens a couple of times. Also, Barney puts away his 
gun in a locked gun rack! Has anyone else noted this? Anyway, these type of 
things are what endears us to TAGS. I'd like some feedback from you or any 
other member. See ya' at Mt. Airy.
                                        Larry Hamrick in Lincolnton, NC

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