
Thanks for listening to us on the radio Thursday night in Knoxville. We had a 
fun time talking about Mayberry. Can you believe that one caller thought Sharon 
Despain was Thelma Lou "made up"? I dispelled that rumor real quick. ;-)

As to your trivia questions, they are good ones. The house address is 2330 and 
the newspaper Barney was reading was the "Press Herald".

I asked Mr. Schwamp to verify these were correct, and he nodded, so there's 
your official verification.


>I?listened to the interview on the radio with the Mayberry gang. I understand 
>it was the decision of ?Dennis not to
>allow the ham Mr Schwump to be on the air. He would have just hogged the whole 
>show. And he just isn't worth the pain.
>Great interview, THANKS to all who took part. Today's trivia: In the bully 
>episode where Opie's milk money was taken,
>Barney was watching from a hole in a newspaper. What was the name of the 
>paper? and what was the address of the house
>where he was sitting? Mike "The Scamp" Haviland

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