My very favorite author of all time is Erle Stanley Gardner.  But my favorite 
author of poetry and serious fiction is Rudyard Kipling.  In the TAGS episode 
"Barney's Sidecar", Barney tries to quote a poem by Rudyard Kipling.  As usual 
Barney get everything mixed up.  Barney tells Andy "But it is thank you Johnny 
Shaftoe when the guns begin to shoot".  This line is very similar to a line 
from the Rudyard Kipling poem titled "Tommy".  Tommy is a poem about the 
British citizens do not properly respect the British military.  The correct 
lines are "For it's Tommy this and Tommy that, and chuck him out the brute, but 
it's savior of his country when the guns begin to shoot".  
I said all that to say this.  There was another central character in TAGS who 
read a poem written by Rudyard Kipling.  Here is the trivia question:  Whom on 
Andy read a Rudyard Kipling poem, and which poem did he read?
I will give you a hint, the character arose from his/her bed to read the poem.
Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs.  Evan's favorite poem was Humpty 
Dumpty.  I read it to him every night before he went to bed.  I began to feel 
really silly about the time he graduated from high school.                      
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