I love this newsletter. I go to me email looking forward to what's happening in 
Mayberry.  I loved the parade sorry your battery fell down on the job.  Seems 
like you had a good time nevertheless.  We are family here and one members 
issues are all of ours.  Our hearts are broken over Joplin but happy Paul and 
his family are ok.  A house becomes a home when the people step inside.  In 
1970, my arenas bought a house that as it was built it was an eyesore.  We 
moved into a house at 15 I hated.  But mama and me decorated it and daddy 
bought furniture and I made pictures for the wall and afghans.  And, it's been 
our home ever sense.  If it fell down tomorrow we could make a new home 
somewhere else. Because we make the home.   Last week I bought mama a BIG TV 
for her to enjoy her soaps and andy.  The first thing I noticed in the SO was 
the map behind Andy.  It certainly was not NC.  Does any one know the story on 
the maps?
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
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