HI GANG!!  *****sigh******

Rule 2, Rule 2..........Thanks to Aunt Bee in Orlando and others who have 
expressed what I have put off for several hours in writing.  I get up at 
4:30am, go in at 5 and get off and 1pm, and one of the things I look forward to 
when I get home is logging into the bulletin board.  One thing I will not put 
up with however, is being PREACHED at on here in attempt to show your 
intellectual superiority..  I think most lovers of TAGS know their characters 
by the characters name, so referring to them in that manner is really cool, and 
at least they are talking about our favorite show in that fashion and shouldn't 
have to go do a bunch of research to make it politically correct.  This is not 
the place for soap boxes, leave that on the shelves in the store.  Like I said, 
when I read that at 1:15 this afternoon I was so mad I purposely put off 
replying until I cooled off.  Same goes with the complaints about TVland, we've 
sung that song and dance before and they WILL show our show again.  If we don't 
like their other shows, don't watch and leave it at that.  This board is no 
place for venting those feelings.  

Now to the business at hand, TAGS is shown here everyday on WTTV, Channel 4 in 
Indy at 8am, two episodes.  They showed the one today where Opie got the job at 
the store and then lied to get fired to help out the other boy who needed to 
pay bills.  A great message in that show and example of the compassion Opie had 
for others.  TAGS really had the best writers of any show in those days!

Have a great day folks and lets talk TAGS and leaving the dry as dust preaching 
to Rev. Tucker!!

Mike Peacock
Connersville In
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