I'm going to wade into the current discussion without hopefully  appearing to 
take a side.  By human nature, we all have preferences of how we want to see 
things, like My Church, or My Newspaper, or My local government.  To a small 
degree we also have an image of what "My Digest" should look like.  For 
instance, I tire of topics that get off course like nostalgia discussions about 
the way things were in our early days.  OThers have stated preferences like, 
everyone should sign with their name and city, Aunt Bee should only be spelled 
B-E-E.   But, Like Pickles, things that don't fit our "My Digest" view..we 
"learn to love them"...because you either accept it as a whole or do without.  
"Our Digest" is what it is today because's its the right blend of 1400 plus "My 
Digest" opinions.

Ocassionally, some will chime in with their hopes for "My Digest"..for instance 
one of our townsfolks doesn't like basic questions asked that have been 
addressed over and over again (like what ahppened to Andy's wife).  Is there 
really any harm in that, as long as they are not demanding..just stating a 
preference?  I think its OK..as well as its ok for others to respond (in a 
polite way) with counter views of their own "My Digest".  There is only one My 
Digest view that really matters, and that is Allan Newsome's  and he supports 
the right blend of all the other views.

So that's my two cents.  Lets all go back to our homes and places of business 
and Enjoy "My hometown" along with Ed Sawyer.  Its not  perfect, but it ours.  
I hope this does not sound preachy because I'm guilty as well.  Speaking of My 
Digest..when you refer to Mr Schwamp..will you please spell it the right way 
with an A and not a U!!!

OK we've heard enough about this to-mo-to or it is to-ma-to?

The Untraind Voice
cheif Inspector for My Digest.

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