I spent most of the day Tuesday working on my new project and, while
there is a lot of work left to do, I think I can go ahead and invite
you to check it out.

The new web site is called "iMayberry Community" and I'm providing a
link to sign up to join. I'm currently approving each person that
joins so give me a little time to approve your membership before you
give up. :)

Be sure to join the WBMUTBB Chapter "group" after you join up.

Here's the link:


Mayberry related websites, forums, podcasts, mailing lists,
newsletters, and more have been on the internet for more than 20
years.  I'm always amazed when folks say they never knew all this
stuff about The Andy Griffith Show existed.  Some knew of a few
Mayberry things but didn't realize the volume of material that is on
the web.

The iMayberry Community goal is to help fans of The Andy Griffith Show
connect with one another to share their knowledge and love of

We're just beginning this community but with your help we should see
our Mayberry friendships grow and develop relationships that are more

Community, friends, relationship, family.....those are the things that
we love about Mayberry and those are the things we want to nurture

See you there!

--Allan Newsome

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