Hi, please allow my sadness for the lost of Goober to precede my post.
Watching episodes that Goober has a major role in via WFMY Channel 2 here in 
The episode (The art of love ). In that episode where Barney and Andy are 
trying to get Goober a date ( so that he will quit intruding on their time with 
Helen and Thelma Lou ) , Barney refers to Lydia Crosswaith ( sp?) as an 
albatross. Now Lydia has a good size nose on her that appears to be offline 
somewhat , not to mention that knot or whatever it is on the end of her nose as 
well. Now when Barney is referring to her as an albatross is he 1. referring to 
her as a woman with a long crooked nose. 2 A worriesome burden that is always 
meddling in their affairs or C. Both ?
Lexington NC , just 55 minutes from Mayberry
albatross or al·ba·tross·es. 1. Any of several large, web-footed birds 
constituting the family Diomedeidae, chiefly of the oceans of the Southern 
Hemisphere, and having a hooked beak and long, narrow wings. 2.a. A constant, 
worrisome burden. b. An obstacle to success.                                    
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