I was away on vacation when I heard the sad news of last week. But I was
comforted that so many of my friends immediately reached out to me in
sympathy—all with the same message: “When I heard about Andy Griffith’s
passing, you were the first person I thought of; I know how much you loved
him.” I was so touched that people would associate me with him and the
show. And I also want to say how touched I have been by the beautiful
comments and tributes made by my “Digest Family.” It was comforting to get
back to email and read through all the daily digests of last week. I’m glad
to know so many of you cried, too. It’s obvious we all feel the same
way—you have captured our feelings so well with your posts.

One more thing: Danny asked if any of us have children named Andy. I’m
proud to say that I have an Andy who was raised on TAGS and loves it as
much as I do.

Debbie Whisenant

Join me for "Life Lessons From Mayberry: It's All There in Black and
White," a celebration of The Andy Griffith Show and the biblical truths and
life applications found in the beloved TV classic. Dates are September
25-27, 2012.  More information at www.lifeway.com/mayberry
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