As a remembrance, I have been wearing my Mayberry t-shirt. I received condolences from friends immediately but my shirt has made me realize that people I don't know have been touched by Andy's passing as they have spoken to me. I also got to thinking about what would Andy Taylor's memorial service be like. It would have to be held in the High School auditorium just to hold all the people, those still in Mayberry and the ones returning to pay their respects. There would be quit a few musicians that would return and sing or play a song, Rafe Hollister, the Darlings, Freddie Fleet, Jim Lindsay, the church and community choirs. Rev. Tucker's grandson could perform the service with numerous others telling stories of how Sheriff Taylor helped them in their time of need, funny stories, and other stories of how he touched their lives. Opie and his children remembering their Pa and Grandpa. It would be a glorious tribute to a man who lived what he believed. Elizabeth In Georgia

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