Hey thanks Trained Noticers for the Nice Dress Nellie sightings and references 
to her webpage.  As the orginator of that page (with Allan's great help)  I'm 
thrilled that it is being used and generating these comments.   I will try to 
get those addtions made this week.  (if not already done) Thanks so much!!
Can I plug something else I've contributed to regarding Nice Dress Nellie?  I 
hope most of you listen to Allan Newsome's Podcast "Two Chair's No Waiting".
Episodes 191 and 192 are called Mayberry after Midday.  I have been a Fan 
Fiction writer off an on for the past 10 years or so.  A Fan fiction writer is 
kind of like a Tribute Artist..but in Tribute to the writers rather than the 
A few years ago Allan and I talked about doing a podcast with a script using 
Floyd and Bert Miller since he can do both voices.  So we did that one..I 
wrote, he performed it very well.  That first one took place totally in the 
Barber Shop.   About a year later we collaborated again with another Floyd and 
Bert episode that creatively took them out of the Barbershop just a bit, and 
referenced a few other characters.   That one went well also, and we left the 
door open for another one.
When I used to write Fan Fiction just for reading..I always tried to include 
something in Mayberry that I would have like to seen (but we didn't) such as 
more about Opie's Mom, a story about basketball..and another Christmas 
Episode..so this time I applied that principle to the third Floyd and Bert 
Podcast. (I'm getting back to Nellie here)
The thing that I would have like to seen that we featured was..more about the 
Silent Characters.  Mr. Schwamp  and Nice Dress Nellie..why are they often seen 
together?  What about Edgar Coleman?  What about Hazel?  Phoebe? the Beamons? 
  This Podcast brings all of them together as well as a Mayberry Hayride.  I 
think you will enjoy it.
There is a little "scandal" on a very tame Mayberry scale..and thus the title 
Mayberry After Midday.  We find out about an unusual friendship between two of 
our favorites.   OK that's enough of a tease..check it out when you get time.  
The current series of podcasts are of course tribute to the man Andy Griffith, 
after our great loss, but these Fan Fiction episodes can wait.  I'd love to get 
any feedback from anyone who listend to them.  I hope the story develops in 
your imagination like it did in mine.  The two episode together ironically are 
about the length of a broadcast episode!!!  
 Have a Mayberry day all
The Untrained Voice
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