The days have come and gone again! We met with wonderful friends from the past 
and met a nice new couple from TN and invited them to sit with us while we had 
a pork chop sandwich.
We didn't arrive in time for a lot but still saw a lot! Had hoped to get in the 
WBMUTBB photo but we were HONGRY man! At 5:35 we left to go meet friends at The 
Depot and that was better than a photo. If anyone wants my photo you can find 
'er at the local Post Office. 
And again. Col. Tim's Talent Time was wonderful! Some folks farther back said 
they were unable to see what was going on, so wonder if maybe SAC could raise 
the stage by just a foot? Sure would help those in the back to see better!
All the stars and tribute artists were great again and I bet they all slept 
well after that!
I ordered tickets for next year's show, so we are already part way there, so 
hope this old man makes it for next year!
Bless you all and have a Mayberry year!
Welford TheCameraNuttt!!

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