Looking for some good reports from fans who could go! My oncologist said to 
stay out of crowds and restaurants during this virus, so following his orders, 
I did. Had to stay home, but hopefully next year we get to use our Col. Tim's 
Age is creeping up, and who knows just when our last time to go will be. We 
will go as long as health allows and enjoy seeing all the old friends we've 
made over the years. 
Sounds as if the Live Auction may be the thing of the future! That way nobody 
can outbid you at the last second so you can't counter-bid! YUUUUUP!! comes to 
So,hopefully next year, we'll see all of you again. We will pass thru soon when 
we go to Fancy Gap and stay at Grassy Creek Cabooses. Sounds interesting!
Welford TheCameraNuttt and Carol, who's put up with me 56+ years!!

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