Often heard a few here say " What If " Barney had stayed on instead of leaving 
for the big screen.
Ok, lets come up with some what if titles and maybe a summary if Barney had 
stayed on.

 Here's one for yall. Can you make up one ?

" Mayberry down the tubes "

Opie's in his 20's now and starts a heavy metal band ( sound kind of familiar 
?). Problem is since Barney got the instruments for the band , he talked his 
way into being the singer. This time ( unlike last ) the microphone is REALLY 
hot and Barneys not whispering.  Opie consults his dad Andy for help. When Andy 
intervenes on behalf of the Opie and the band,  He is persuaded by Barney to 
try out an electric guitar. Andy falls in love with it and wants to play in the 
band too !  The problem gets more complex because now the band has grown really 
big which includes Aunt Bea and some of the girls from the choir as backup 
singers. Eventually all of the Mayberry citizens are run out of town due to the 
rock n rollers trash left all over the streets. Barney doesnt have time to 
write up tickets anymore with his time spent with the band and learning his 
news singing style from Eleanora Poultice. Jim Lindsey has taken over Bobby 
Fleets band with a beat due to Bobbys drinking problem, so he persuades the 
rest of his band to open up for Opie's gigs.  Mayberry appears to be going down 
the tubes at this point, but....
finally, Otis and his friends from AA ( Otis since has cleaned up his act ) 
helps create some more stringent alcohol laws in neighboring counties which 
eventually dries out Mayberry and in turn causes the band to disband so 
everything goes back to normal.  ( eh' its the best I can come up with for now )

Footnote......  Opie and Barneys band is called " Gateway to Danger "
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.
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